來自魔法學院的魔法使用者遍佈整個聖休瑞亞 - 自仙塞島至卡爾蒂姆 - 擁有如〝法師〞〝戰巫〞等的綽號,但那些以秘術師自居的人,對他們其他施法者同伴來說簡直就是大巫見小巫。 不論是秘術師或是法師都掌控著秘法的神祕力量 - 那也是僅有的共同點。
秘術師最為人知的幾種特質:叛逆和敏銳的感覺力,但同時也包括了他們高傲的滔滔不絕說著從魔法學院習得〝小心謹慎〞和〝安全〞的無聊理論。秘術師高人一等的態度來自他們與生俱來的天賦 - 將不羈的魔法力量操控自如 – 讓那力量透過孤獨、無需任何研究傳送給自己。任何因為沒有絕佳控制魔法而發生的意外都是種不幸...但,他鮮少會阻擋秘術師們投入不穩定的秘法之中。
摒棄其他魔法者所使用的穩定途徑,秘術師是個使用自己身體作為秘法能量導體的異徒施法者。他們操弄各種力量來瓦解、燃燒和冰凍他們的敵人 - 他們也能控制時間與光線來產生強大的幻象,跨越時空來閃避即將來到的攻擊。
雖然所有材料的物品都能成為秘術師力量的媒介,但有些擁有特定的用途。秘術師使用寶珠,它算不上是武器 - 寶珠能夠提供秘術師視野和知識來協助他們施法或儲存能量的副手物品。秘術師也能裝備傳統(通常已附魔)的魔杖,一種纖細的杖用來直接輸出巨大的秘法力量至目標敵人。
只要有秘術師的召喚強大力量就能搞定整個戰場 - 錐形範圍和轟擊能夠一次攻擊大群敵人,他們的射線懲罰那些自找死路的敵人們,並以落石擊斃最佳位置的敵人。
能量:Arcane Power
秘術師持續的充滿著秘能 - 秘能快速的重生,所以讓秘術師們好像能永無止盡的施放他們較弱的法術。只有在他們一次性的耗竭自己所有儲存的能量,秘術師們才會暴露於危險之下。
但是,要是一不小心,沒有保持應有的節奏,秘能有可能對秘術師自身進行報復,所以秘術師必須在重複使用強烈的法術時,等待一定的冷卻時間。這些法術 - 召喚從天而降的隕石術,傾注而下的強大力量將多個敵人撞擊倒地,或者停止時間流逝的能量球 - 這些法術的強大力量絕對值得等待。
owing to my lack of tolerance for those who would use magic towards their own nefarious ends, many have assumed that I am averse to the practice of the magical arts on a philosophical level. Nothing could be farther from the truth. My quarrel is with those sorcerers who dismiss the ancient traditions and teachings – teachings that have been honed over millennia in order to preserve respect for authority and the rule of law.
Recently the youth of 卡迪安 have fallen prey to the overblown stories of just such a delinquent wizard. That is correct: I used the uncouth term wizard, not sorcerer. It seems that even the title of a civilized magic wielder is too restrictive for this young upstart. Through my contacts at the Yshari Sanctum of the mage clans, I am one of the few who actually know the truth behind the rumors now sweeping our streets regarding this hellion who flaunts her magic irresponsibly.
最近 卡迪安 的年輕人們很是崇拜這樣一個不羈的秘術師的故事。是的,我用了秘術師這個有點貶義的詞,而不是法師。看上去「文明的施法者」這種稱呼對這些年輕人來說像是一種限制。人們把這些人稱作不負責任玩弄魔法的怪徒,但通過我與秘術師族群的 Yshari Santcum 的交流,我瞭解了到流言背後的真相。
This wizard was sent here to spend her formative years under the tutelage of the best mages in the world. Well, it seems they neglected to teach our wizard manners on her native island of Xiansai, for she was a rude and uncooperative student from the very beginning. Originally under the guidance of the Zann Esu mage clan, she was eventually handed over to the Vizjerei in the hopes that their strict and unbending discipline would break her anarchic spirit. Yet even the esteemed Vizjerei instructors were unable to rein her in. She was continually being caught seeking out dangerous and forbidden magics, heedless of the consequences to herself or anyone around her.
這個秘術師自從被送到這裡來之後就過著有規律的生活,始終受到這個世界上最好的法師的監護。嗯,看上去他們忘了教這秘術師一點禮貌,她的故鄉是 Xiansai,這使得她一開始就成為一個粗魯且不太配合的學生。最先她聽從 Zann Esu 法師族的教導,不過最終她被送到了 Vizjerel 部族,因為他們希望那裡的嚴格有序的制度能夠束縛她的無法無天的意志。然而甚至備受尊重的 Vizjerei 講師都管不住她。她總是被抓到研究危險或是被禁止的魔法,她可是完全不顧這樣做會對別人和自己造成什麼後果。
Although there is no truth to the tales that she actually ventured into the infamous Bitter Depths below the Sanctum, she was caught in the Ancient Repositories, where the most dangerous incantations are housed for the safety of the public. When confronted by the great Vizjerei mage Valthek and demanded to account for herself, she brazenly attacked him rather than face the punishment merited by her acts. Exaggerated stories of the battle are already being inflated to mythic proportions by the more rebellious of our city's youth, but suffice it to say that she did not actually best Yshari's most powerful mage in single, honorable combat. The details of the encounter remain unclear, as Valthek has yet to regain consciousness, but it has been verified by reliable sources that she relied on trickery and deceit to bring the great man low. I have also been assured that the extensive property damage was chiefly the result of Valthek's magical prowess, not the upstart wizard's. As to where she is now, no one rightly knows, for she fled the city immediately after the encounter.
儘管沒人知道她是否真正闖入進那個 Sanctum 下面惡名昭彰的 Bitter Depths,她在古代藏寶庫(Ancient Respositories)被抓到了。這個地方為了公眾的安全秘藏了很多危險的咒語。當 Vizjerei 的大法師Valthek想要指控她的罪行的時候,她竟攻擊了他,而不是乖乖地接受應有的懲罰。雖然這個故事被更具野心的年輕人們誇大了很多,但可以證明的是她在那場榮耀的戰鬥中稱得上最強力的法師。當 Valthek 逐漸恢復意識的時候,那場碰撞的細節已經不是很清晰了,但是事實確鑿,他被秘術師的精巧騙術擊潰了。我很確定那重創來自 Valthek 自己的魔法力量,而非那個巫師。至於那個秘術師現在在哪,無人得知。那場戰鬥之後,她很快離開了那個城市。
It is not my goal to alarm, but I find this situation disturbing. We now have a rebellious wizard, young and inexperienced, wandering the world, dabbling in powerful magics she does not understand. Those wiser than you or I determined long ago that certain schools of magic were too dangerous and forbade their practice. It is those magics that this wizard seems determined to explore – magics centered on manipulating the primal forces from which reality is constructed. Imagine, a headstrong nineteen-year-old youth, able to warp time itself to her will! The thought is truly terrifying. It is my honest hope that this self-styled wizard chooses never to return to 卡迪安.
並不想警告誰,但是這種情況很令人不安。現在有這樣一個叛逆的秘術師,年輕,經驗豐富,迷失在這個世界,操縱著她不甚瞭解的強大魔法。很久以前那些比你或我聰明得多的人就確信這種魔法非常危險並且禁止了它的學習。這些魔法專注於操縱它的本體被構造之時的那種最初的力量。想像一下,一個頑固的 19 歲青年能夠任憑自己的意志扭曲時間!這種力量太恐怖了。希望能夠如我所願-這個自信的秘術師永遠別再回到 卡迪安.
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